Sunday Funday 2, meal prep and rest

Sunday Funday 2, really wasn't a cheat day for me. Considering I sprinkled a bit heavily last night on the heavy foods, I really wasn't going to make today a cheat day. I actually don't think I'm going to actively plan any cheat days through the 10 weeks. If I truly want something a bit more decadent, it's going to be a single meal or item and not a whole day of going off the reservation. Really, my true biggest limitation I've set for myself is 1-2 beers per week as my allowance. I'm a huge craft beer fan and have a pretty solid collection of various rare and interesting beers staring at me on a daily basis in the bar area.

So, cutting back to a 12 oz beer or two a week pretty much takes drinking most of these out of the question. Que Sera Sera. I'll slowly work some beer back in once the challenge is over. In the meantime I'm really hoping to shed some solid percentage points of body fat while I build supportive muscle beyond just my cycling fitness.

We did some meal/snack prep on Sunday morning while the girls were still out with my mom. I started making a protein pancake recipe a while back and my wife has since tweaked and evolved it to the point we've got one that we really like. They taste good plain or with very little butter and the calorie count and nutrient ratios are pretty solid as well. So, we decided to make a double batch and keep them around for quick breakfast and snack options this week and next.

Chocolate Chip Banana Super Protein Pancakes, 1 serving(s)
Considering you get 4 3-4" pancakes per serving, it's a pretty solid meal and depending on what I need to keep the days goals in check, I can snag 1-2 for a snack as well. Other than that, I took the day off from riding or running even though I had planned to do a 90 minute spin on the bike. Life took over and we ended up doing projects and had company over for dinner so time ran out. It wasw kind of nice taking a full day off since I hadn't done that for over 2 weeks.


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