Day 14, ain't no thang but a chicken wing

Day 14, upper body- While the upper body workouts leave their mark with burning in my shoulders and arms that persists quite a bit longer than lower body days, I actually look forward to it. I know my upper body especially shoulder and biceps are weak so making them burn is good. About the worst portion of today was doing full tricep dips as our last set of exercises on that muscle group. After the first 32, I ended up failing on the last 16 and basically dropped to the floor.

We've also been doing a sidebar plank challenge with a few of the FIT members. The final goal is to hit a 5 minute plank. We're up to 2:40 right now which is the longest I had worked up to in my normal core routine stuff. I know I can go longer, but 5 minutes seems pretty crazy. I guess we'll see.

I've been on a major nutrition kick today playing around with my meals and foods even before I eat them to try and plan out a perfect balance. I think advanced calculus might be easier... Seriously, its crazy how easy the base goals are, but so complex in reality. 1-2 wrong foods and you're off the rails either over or under your goals. Then it becomes a matter of trying to find the right food to balance you back out. Seems silly, but I guess that's why we all tend to struggle with nutrition. If it were easy we'd all be in much better shape.

I also jumped on my scale this morning for my own personal weekly weigh in. I was up very slightly (.4 lbs), but my body fat had dropped by .7%. I'm hoping that is the start to a trend. I'd really like to drop 6-7% off my body fat by the end of this and replace that with as much muscle mass as I can to maintain the same or even just a few pounds less weight.


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