Sunday Funday 1, less funday than most

Sunday was (is) supposed to be our cheat day, fun day, whatever you want to call it, but essentially a break from diet and exercise to indulge our desires built up during the week and get them cleared out so we can have productive days the remaining 6 per week. I actually ended up cheating a bit Friday night with a 4 oz pour of beer that I'd been chilling from my stash and then had another 16 oz beer Saturday night. So, Sunday, I opted (and will most like continue) to at least stick pretty closely to the diet plan and I also threw in an hour trainer workout on the bike last night. I was hoping for a 2ish hour ride outside, but a full day of projects around the house trumped that idea. I can definitely tell I'm down about 5-10% off my peak power from earlier this year, but that's also to be expected given my uptick in running and adding FXB which has left a lot less riding time than I'm used to. All in all about the only real struggle from yesterday was trying to get my water in. Without sitting and having it staring me in the face every second, I found it harder to get my goal ounces in. Most days I'm getting somewhere in the 140+ oz range, but yesterday it was a struggle getting around 100 oz.

My wife and I were conferring about FXB and the 10 week challenge especially (she just got done with hers the session prior to this). She mentioned how the challenge becomes nearly all consuming. It takes so much focus to hit all of your daily goals regarding nutrition and then the challenging of various workouts and form during the classes fills your mind with tons of new information at the same time. She's spot on that it becomes even more difficult to focus on the rest of your daily life. I felt that in full force Sunday as I seemed to continually forget what I was going after or needed to take with me, etc as I was doing my various projects. I'm hoping it will ease up a bit as I get into the routine more.


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