Day 4, lower body strength (my wheelhouse?)

Day 4, lower body workout today which I was kind of hoping should be my strength. I got a nice compliment from my coach telling me my lunges were amazing. Heh, at least I have that going for me. At least I saved the nearly falling over until later in the class...

I managed to work through most of the exercises pretty easily and can band up at least 1 or 2 in most cases next time. I couldn't really figure out the whole inner thigh exercise so I may need to get some form help on that. Even after my coach tried to show me, it was still a struggle. The only other questionable one was the lower ab exercise where we had a medicine ball between our knees. Something about that particular exercise seemed more prone to hurting than helping, but I'll keep giving it a shot.

Made it through the workout in pretty decent shape without too much soreness or fatigue sitting in yet. Added a run tonight while waiting for my youngest in karate. May not have been the smartest thing I've ever done. Phone pole to phone pole sprints with a warmup and cool down netted me some serious cardio work and left me literally dripping with sweat as I waited for her after class. Shoulders and neck started feeling a bit cranked though so I made time to jump in the hot tub. Got a nice soak going and felt pretty relaxed afterwards. Bring on another day.


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