Day 11, in which I hurt myself (slightly)

Day 11, kickboxing. I was looking forward to kickboxing again. I like these days since it really lets me build myself into a lather. My form may not be the greatest, but I go until I have to stop or pass out for the most part. It typically peak into the low 180's late in the workout where we're doing longer combinations of kicks and punches. We added another kick into the combo's today before we got into the bags and I was as lost as could be. It felt like we were doing the kick on the wrong leg and it had me completely messed up and frustrated.

Eventually we got onto the bags though and while I still couldn't get the proper kick in there that they were trying to tell us to do, I at least got to vent my frustrations on the bag. However my roundhouse kicks were seriously off today. I couldn't hit the bag in the right location where the shin meets the ankle and consequently kept kicking the bag with the top of my foot. That can only go on so long before it starts to hurt. So, I managed to bang up the tops of both feet pretty good because even after repeated adjustments to my stance and position in relation to the bag, I was still mis-kicking about every other kick it seemed.

I've been tracking my foods consistently this week with and holy cow. I'm still just flabbergasted at not only the amount of salt in basically every canned/frozen/prepared food, but also I'm having a hard time getting the right mix of proteins in without eating too much fat. I had to adjust my breakfast especially to be as focused on protein as I could without the fat.

I swapped out to an oat based breakfast and then added in a half sliced banana. If I can find a better balance of low fats later in the day, I might try bringing a little back into breakfast, but for now, its the easiest meal for me to cut from and not feel like I have to eat 0% fat greek yogurt for every snack.


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